Introduction and scope Carry out a detailed and continuous survey of the plastic extruder market, and provide end-to-end, verified and documented research reports, which summarize the main aspects of the plastic extruder market, including supply chain and sales And marketing, product or project d
The global PE pipe and fittings market provides a high-intensity recent research report on, which comprehensively covers the industry and major market trends, as well as historical and future market statistics. The report delves into the local development of the market, whi
La actualidad del Sector del Agua
-Instalación de un Sistema de Floculación/Coagulación incluyendo, los sistemas de agitación y deequipo de almacenamiento de coagulante yequipo preparador de polielectrolito.
-Instalación de Filtros de Arena Horizontales a presión.
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The global HDPE pipes and fittings market has witnessed a good growth recovery and expected coverage market size during the forecast period (2020-2027). The assessment provides a 360-degree perspective and insight-an overview of the main results of th
Is the recycling of fossil fuels real, or is it a stepping stone to a fossil-free future? Register now for our 11/17 webinar at 2pm Eastern Time
Summary The packaging industry in South Africa will witness growth between 2020 and 2025, from 3.758 billion units in 2020 to 4.304 billion units
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This website is operated by one or more companies owned by Informa PLC, and all copyrights belong to them. The registered office of Informa PLC is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number
Tubi Limited is a global leader in manufacturing, logistics and engineering HDPE piping systems through mobile extrusion.
Tubi is known for its high-quality products and unparalleled support staff, while also being at the forefront of cutting-edge technology and innovation in the industry.<
New York (ICIS)-The US$1tr US Infrastructure Act, signed into law by President Joe Biden on Monday, will increase spending on chemicals and plastics by approximately US$45.8 billion over the next ten years, while also promoting decarbonization and cleaning The development of
The 2016-2027 Global Gas and Water Transmission System Industry Market Report is the latest research report that assesses the market, highlights opportunities, analyzes risks, and uses strategic and tactical decision support. Growth and regulatory influencing factors related to the use of informa