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Scientists have devised a method for integrating expensive platinum and a cheap rare earth element, lanthanum, as an alloy to function as a catal
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Scientists with the University of Chicago have discovered a way to create a material that can be made like a plastic, but conducts electricity more like a metal. By Stan Horaczek | Published Oct 20, 2022 10:44 AM Optical Lens Acces
Jonah Elkowitz/Daily Senior Staffer
The new soft serve machine. Northwestern will bring an ice cream service to Foster-Walker East starting in November. Puff Pastry Margarin
"This is a little strange, I am sure," began the letter Jessi Zahm, of Newberg, Oregon, found on her doorstep this September, "but we live up the street from you and we drive by your house daily."
Zahm had a secret admirer — or rather, one of her Halloween decorations did. X